Sunday, 9 July 2017

DIY Home Decor | Painted Trinket Box

Store your trinkets in style with this simple DIY dalmatian print box.


Jewellery Box | White Paint | Black Paint | Grey Paint | Pink Paint | Gold Paint | Paint Brushes

Start with your base colour - for the dalmatian print-effect, I opted for white, but you could also colour block your box and choose a colour-way that suits your style.  You may need a few coats, so ensure you let each dry fully before applying the next [the hot weather is helping to speed this up, but if you need a tip - get your hairdryer to dry the coats].
Next for the print.  Using a range of brushes in size will give you the irregular style of the dalmatian spots, so start by making some spaced out dots, covering the top and sides of the box to start the foundations of the pattern:
Next, start introducing the accent colours [if you want them], following a similar style in irregularity and space:
You can now complete the dalmatian pattern by filling the spaces with further black irregular spots - the best part of this DIY is that there is no rhyme or reason to the pattern - go with the overall look you like and keep adding spots until the overall style is achieved:
Leave to dry completely before using to store your jewellery & trinkets, bits & bobs, odds & ends or just as a display accessory:
I'm using mine to hold and tidy away my keys in the hallway:
Made in less than an hour - it's bring a bit of [muted] colour to my home!
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