Sunday, 27 August 2017

Jewellery Maker | Wire Word Kit

Today, I'm bringing you the results of my try of the Jewellery Maker new kits.  I've worked with Jewellery Maker before, and tried out their Gemstone Bracelet kit, which I really enjoyed.  From their new range of kits, which include Stamping and Seed Beading, I've tested the Wire Writing Kit.  Ive seen various wire writing hangers, jewellery and accessories and was keen to give the technique a go myself - what better way than with a kit.

The kit provides you with materials to create two 'love' necklaces - but that's just the findings and fastenings.  You receive 10m of wire - plenty for more than just the two 'love' words and depending on the length of chain and whether you opt for a necklace or bracelet [like me], there's room for a few more.  So no worries if you make a mistake and feel you want to start again, have a practice run or even experiment with longer words - there are plenty of supplies provided.
You also have the added support of the Jewellery Maker YouTube channel.  An instruction booklet is also provided, but this gives guidance in a way words and photos just can't replicate - how to achieve the required bends, changes in direction and how to work with the wire - so this was a really useful resource to have to watch before attempting myself and whilst I was making.
With nothing more than the wire and two pliers, you can begin to work the wire and create a word that comes to life right before you.  The added demonstration and explanation really helped and I could stop and start the video [the demo is quite fast] as I went along:
Like with most new crafts, the key is to be patient and take your time as you follow along - I was really surprised at the ease with which the wire works and learned a lot about how the tools should be used - something I can apply to lots of future DIYs!
In total, the DIY took me 30 minutes [with plenty of stop/starting the video as I went along] which was a huge surprise and I am convinced this is down to the YouTube tutorial, so highly recommend checking the videos out if you try any of the kits.
I gained confidence as the word came to life, so I'm looking forward to trying out some other DIYs to put this new-found confidence to the test.

Adding the findings and chain, I turned my word in to a bracelet that I am pretty proud of - I'm not a million miles off the original?!
I was convinced my word would have kinks, sharp bends and uneven heights and sizes of letters.  The kit suggests that it is for makers of intermediate level - but I'd encourage you to give it a go whatever level you may class yourself [or not] in - it might just be your thing and I don't think you'll know until you try!  If you have any questions about the kit that I haven't answered here, please do ask.

It's a weirdly therapeutic craft and not stressful in any way - like I expected.  I even used some extra wire to get my Carrie Bradshaw on....
...need to work on the length required estimations - but I'll be back with some more DIYs of what this has inspired!

Overall - I loved the 30 minutes I was completely absorbed in creating my bracelet.  The YouTube tutorial completely brings everything to life and I feel completely inspired to make more and experiment with a few other ideas I hope I can share when they come to life.

If you fancy having a go yourself, or giving one of the other kits a try, get FREE P&P and a FREE TOOLKIT with the code 'ThingsSheJM' and treat yourself.

I'd love to know what you think and if you do pick up one of the kits for yourself - show me the results!

*Jewellery Maker kindly gifted me the kit and tool kit to try and review - but all opinions are my own.
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