Monday, 13 July 2015

How To Make a Paper Flower Bud

I love a paper flower project [you can find some here] but todays is so, so easy. All you need to do to achieve it is fold.  Let's dive right in.

The size of your flower bud is dependant on 2 factors: the width and length of your chosen paper/card/fabric. The tutorial for today uses an A4 size card, cut in to widths of 2cm.
 The main method to start creating your bud is to fold your card back and forth at an angle to
create a line of peaks/triangles:
Once completed, start from one end and roll this to the other:
[hold the card/paper between your thumb and forefinger as you roll to keep the width consistent and create a tighter bud] you reach the opposite end, ensure you leave enough card to fold under the bud and fix in place [I used a glue gun for ease and time], holding all your card together:

...and your bud is complete, ready to use for embellishment and decoration.  Easy peasy.

P.S - Creating a larger bud is just as easy - firstly, cut a wider piece of card and create the bud in the same way.  Once complete, cut a second length of the same or larger width and wrap this around the formed bud to increase the size:
see you next time x

1 comment

  1. Few minutes ago, I searched on Google about paper card. And, I found this tutorial! This blog post really helps me.

    Roman Berry
    Creative Designer, Clipping Path Expert at Clipping Creations India


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