Monday, 29 June 2015

How To Make a Slogan Bag

Buying a house (or at least, trying to) and keeping up with the blog has not worked out in the way I had hoped.  It's all taking much linger than I thought and with mortgage meetings, viewings, research and spending hours and hours with my new BFF, Rightmove, I'm finding no time to make the projects I'd like to - but have an even longer list than ever before.  So I'm trying to prioritise those that can be completed in an hour - hopefully there will be more quick crafts on the way.  
To start - this easy-peasy slogan bag!

What I Used:
Bronze Pen

To create your bag, start with either writing your slogan to create a template, or printing your 
text in a font you like.  I used effects similar to those used in this easy calligraphy post:
Place your template inside the bag and hold this up to the window so that you can lightly trace the text:
Next, add a thick piece of card, newspaper or something to protect the other side of the bag and
 prevent the ink running though before tracing your slogan.
Use a fabric pen, or in my case, a Sharpie, to trace your text:
Take your time and use small strokes if you are after an effect of thin and thicker lines - 
build them up as you go and don't rush yourself, as this may lead to mistakes or the ink bleeding
 due to too much pressure and the ink in contact with the fabric for too long:
...once your slogan is complete.  You're done!
Fill it with your makeup, handbag essentials, jewellery - whatever needs wrapping up in something personalised and unique - these make great quick, easy and purse-friendly gifts!
see you next time x

Monday, 8 June 2015

How To Make an Origami Boat Accessory


Monday, 1 June 2015

How To Make a Toy Animal Letter

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