Thursday 13 February 2014

DecoPatch Eiffel Tower

Bonjour les amies!  
I have Paris on the brain, but no possibility of going, so I am recreating the most famous landmark to compensate instead.  It's not the same, but it was a bit of fun.  I'm not sure I got away with it - but here's how I tried - grab a croissant and cuppa - there are a LOT of photos.

What I Used:
Decopatch A [£1.00 HobbyCraft]
Cardboard Box
Glue Gun [I used the Mini HobbyCraft Gun £10 + 2 x £2 for 8 glue sticks - 3 for 2 offer if you're thinking about it]
Silver Paint / Paint brush

I'm in love with Paris [who isn't] and anything Parisian or any souvenirs from Paris are a-ok with me.  The more the better in my home as far as I'm concerned.  I also quite fancied a large ornament for my flat, so instead of finding a nice one in a shop, I made my own.

The main structure of my Eiffel Tower is based around this DecoPatch ‘A’, which I picked up in the Christmas sales for 50p, but rrp. is only £1.  I immediately had plans to turn it in to the Eiffel Tower.
It might not have the curves of the Tower, but it’s the perfect foundation for a little embellishment and cardboard additions to create the shape you want.
I started with the curved bottom of the structure, using some corrugated card, folded along each section and fixed in place with hot glue and trimming the ends in line with the bottom:
Next, I created the top of the Tower, taking the side of a cardboard box and using the top of the ‘A’ to measure and guide the lines for the triangular top. Using a craft knife or scissors, I cut the shape and ensured that the lines match the top of the ‘A’:
I then cut a second copy and the using the width of the ‘A’ as a guide, 
cut a length of cardboard to join the two triangular shapes together:
If you want to be completely sure of the measurements, attach it all together with the help of some tape to see how the structure stands.
Next, I cut four lengths of cardboard which acted as the balcony structures, cutting a width of 1cm from the bottom and reducing the width with each to the top:
Depending on the finish you are going for, you can keep it all held together with tape and cover the joins [especially if you decoupage], however; I wanted to speed the decorating up and opted for paint, so needed to have the joins as invisible as possible.  This meant one thing.
So excited – I wish I’d had more that needed gluing in place.  I started with the top tower:
…and then added the balcony trims:
...covering the top of the Tower join:
Check it all stands without falling over, breaking or looking wobbly - now is the time to fix anything you don't like:
....the glue dries in seconds and once set, nothing is going to shift, move, break or fall off.  It makes you want to hot glue everything.

Next, I covered the whole thing in a couple of coats of silver poster paint, which I bought from HobbyCraft:

...but didn't like the finish of the top Tower or curve at the bottom, so added a cover of paper
 to smooth the finish at the top and replaced the bottom curve with A4 white card, painted 
them to cover it all and left it to dry:
…and then I stopped.  
This has been a WIP for a fair few weeks now – once I completed this stage, I felt that although finished, the Eiffel Tower wasn’t complete.  I liked the corrugated cardboard/smooth structure and then I didn’t, so after pondering it for a while, I [shock horror, did not cover in glitter – but I cannot tell you how much I wanted to!] picked up some grey and silver thread and created a bit of texture and details by wrapping it in no particular pattern around the sides:
I alternated the colours for a little more contrast and fixed it all in place at the back with a few strategically placed sections of tape and glue.  Done.
It added enough detail and a bit of interest to change the finished look:
It’s now sitting pretty around my flat:
J’adore Paris.
See you next time x


  • If I was to recreate this project, I’d be tempted to buy two ‘A’ letters and make the structure more 3D – joining the two together with more curved cardboard at the bottom, strips at the balcony sections and creating a triangular top, which in turn = more glue gun action!
  • You could also weigh this down by creating a hole in the top of the ‘A’ and filling with rice, crushed glass or plant stones and then covering before decorating – perfect book end!



  1. This is genius. The thread really sets it off!

  2. Very smart with the "A" letter! Turning it into a bookend is a great idea! Thank you for the inspiration, I love it!

    1. Thank you! If you have a go at something similar, let me know - I would love to see :)


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