Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Paper Fans

I'm ready for Spring now.

Woven Art


Friday, 22 February 2013

{a little glimpse} Five

I am taking part in the lovely Cupcakes for Clara {a little glimpse} themed posts and I will be posting every Friday.
I've been having problms finding crochet chevron patterns, so feeling confident, I made up my own..so far, so good [but completely made up].  Back to normal next week with a fixed camera [apologies for my iPhone brightness above]...fingers crossed. Have a great weekend.

One and Two [which became this], Three and Four

Don't forget, you can follow me on Pintrest:
  Follow Me on Pinterest

 and Twitter!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

No Camera

With the gorgeous weather and perfect photo opportunity lighting, my camera has really given up on me *angry face* for the time being.  As I am mainly a tutorial kind of gal, the blog may seem a little sparse over the next [hopefully no longer than] week.  Prepare for gloomy skies, snow, rain and gales when my camera is back up and running!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Crochet Roundup - Part 2

As you may know, my camera has given up this week.  Not so great for a blog that is very photo-heavy [sorry about that] and largely consists of tutorials.....and I genuinely feel lost without it.
I don't think I can leave the blog for a week without getting serious withdrawal symptoms either, so I blog today with an update to my crochet progress [minus the photographic evidence] and some links to fantastic projects that have been helping me.

I posted a short while ago about how I have spent some time practicing stitches [single, double, treble] and creating rows and rows using different wool and crochet needle sizes.  This was great whilst trying to get a feel for my tension and the rhythm of stitching...but after a while - boring.  So I practiced joining and turned some of them into crochet jar warmers.  As you do.
Once I thought I had the hang of it all, I was keen to try other stitches [bobble, ring, slip stitching] and create something, other than a row.  I tried this fantastic tutorial and with a little practice, found myself creating crochet shapes that resembled hearts.  As soon as I have a working camera, I hope to post about this soon!

I have also been reading a few tutorials on some fab crochet blogs, in particular Planet June and Knit, Purl Gurl, which are giving me great inspiration for the future.  YouTube is also becoming my best friend in trying to chevron stitch - it's like having a personal tutor.  I think I am now at a stage where I would like to have an attempt at a few projects.  I've seen some gorgeous crochet books that would let me make small decorations for my favourite time of year, so I wonder if I should start having a go now [I'm already thinking crochet stocking advent calendars, I know!] ... but my overall aims are to have a cushion cover [or two] and throw - hopefully in the chevron stitch - let's see how the practice goes!

As always, I love hearing your recommendations or seeing what you are creating. Please contact me at thethingsshemakes@yahoo.co.uk - back soon with a camera, I hope!

Friday, 15 February 2013

{a little glimpse} Four

Happy Friday! {Practice Makes Perfect....I hope}
I am taking part in the lovely Cupcakes for Clara {a little glimpse} themed posts and I will be posting every Friday.

One and Two [which became this] and Three

Don't forget, you can follow me on Pintrest:
  Follow Me on Pinterest

 and Twitter!

Love Letters

Following on from this post, I have a quick alternative which would save you if you have forgotten about Valentines.

It is made in exactly the same way, so I wont repeat the instructions, but if you have a 'your song', Wedding first dance song, favourite poem - this would be perfect for the detail.

I printed one of my favourite songs onto A4 paper, highlighting some words in pink and red for variation and cut my hearts:
I threaded lengthways by hand using a simple running stitch:

Then layered with pink hearts for a hanging garland:
I also threaded some width ways:
To create pretty mini-garland banners:
 ...and layered with other felt hearts for variation:
 Simple and pretty - these could save your bacon x

Happy Valentines Day

Quick-ish ideas here, here, here, here and here. Plus these and these.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Valentine Straws

I know.  I just thought, why not?

Saturday, 9 February 2013

{a little glimpse} Three

Happy Friday!
I am taking part in the lovely Cupcakes for Clara {a little glimpse} themed posts and I will be posting every Friday.

One and Two [Note how I still haven't got round to posting about either....serious WIPs]

Don't forget, you can follow me on Pintrest:
  Follow Me on Pinterest

 and Twitter!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Valentine Heart Marshmallow

More Food?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Nutella Hazlenut Chocolates

Happy National Nutella Day!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Raspberry Cream White Chocolate Meringue Kisses

Happy Monday!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

{a little glimpse} Two

Happy Friday!
I am taking part in the lovely Cupcakes for Clara {a little glimpse} themed posts and I will be posting every Friday.

Don't forget, you can follow me on Pintrest:
  Follow Me on Pinterest

 and Twitter!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Nutty Florentines

Oh. My. Goodness...Yum.
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