Wednesday, 25 February 2015

How to Make a Mouse Pad

Todays post is the easiest-peasiest of DIYs and is another big tick off my to-do list.  
Marks on my desk top are no more - I made a mouse pad! Whoop!

What I Used:
Corkboard Trivet [Set of 3: Ikea]
Sticky-backed Vinyl/Plastic [HobbyCraft]
[thinking about it, I used exactly the same materials as this pinboard DIY - get some new ideas, Sophie!]

  Look at my sad [and slightly in need of a good dusting] desk space.  I like minimal, but this just made me sad.  This is why I chose a plain block of colour for my pad top - but there are a wealth of colours and patterns available to you that could make yours much more exciting.
Simply, I traced around the outside of the corkboard trivet on to the back of the vinyl.  The trivet has a curved edge, so I made sure to angle my pencil inline with the curve:
I carefully cut around the outside, where the thickness of the vinyl made the process much easier
 to get a smooth cut [you could also use a craft knife if you prefer - use the trivet to help guide
 your curve if helpful]: 
 Starting by peeling back a small section, I began to stick the vinyl to the top of the trivet
 - smoothing the vinyl as I made my way from one side to the other:
 Once all the backing is removed and the vinyl in place, you can tidy any areas that may over hang - turn the trivet upside down and carefully cut any plastic showing over the sides:
  ...and you're done.  
You could also try this out with a foam sheet instead of the corkboard - but I like the colour, 
sturdiness and texture of the trivet.  If you are in need of a mouse pad, or mouse pad makeover - 
give this a go!
see you next time x

Wondering what else you can do with the extra two trivets? Here are some ideas for you:


  1. What a great idea!

    I've been looking for some cork pieces for a while for a project, never thought of Ikea! x

  2. What a great idea!

    I've been looking for some cork pieces for a while for a project, never thought of Ikea! x

    1. Thank you, Rachael! Ikea is my second home - no end of handy (and cheap) craft supplies! x


  3. A fancy gaming mouse without a reliable surface is like a knight without his loyal steed.The cool mouse pad can make us feel more fun.It is hard to find the budget and fashion gaming mouse pad.I found the Gearbest mouse pad is fashion and its price is good.What is your idea?

  4. I like this simple diy project. I'll make one.

  5. Very Awesome and Help full Article. It really helps me. thanks for sharing this.

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  7. I love how easy and creative this DIY project is.


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