I've been missing my quick clay tags [previously seen here, here, here and here], so took advantage of the warm quick-drying weather this weekend and made this slightly different tag to decorate a house warming gift for a friend.
I wont go into too much detail on how I made them as they follow similarly the very same steps as the other posts, so hold on tight for a very photo-heavy step-by-step post:

Using a cookie cutter, I cut the outline of the tag and then used a slightly smaller cutter to make an impression - not cutting right through the clay - on the inside:

I wont go into too much detail on how I made them as they follow similarly the very same steps as the other posts, so hold on tight for a very photo-heavy step-by-step post:

Using a cookie cutter, I cut the outline of the tag and then used a slightly smaller cutter to make an impression - not cutting right through the clay - on the inside:
Using my rubber stamping kit, I used the impression to guide my writing:
...used a skewer to make holes either side to attach the tag and then removed the excess clay:
To dry the tag, I moved the foil over to the pot that the tag was going to be attached to and
moulded the clay to the shape of the clay and then left to dry in place:
I checked on the tag after one hour to ensure the shape was taking and then a second time a further hour later. After this time, the clay was almost set, so would have snapped with any further moulding. Left overnight to completely dry, I then removed the tag and sanded to smooth the edges down:
Previously, I have left the clay unfinished, however; to make more durable, I tested a pva glue covering, applying two coats in total [cover without caution - it will look and you will feel like you've completely ruined all your hard work so far, but once dried, it will leave a nice coat of gloss]:
Using tapestry cotton, I threaded the tag and attached to the pot:

A simple knot held it in place, but if you were adding this to a plain pot that needed some colour
- some decorative ribbon or fabric threaded would look gorgeous.
Simple, but I thought made the gift a little more personal - perfect if you personalise the stamped
words for an occasion - I'm going to be making more for my own vases, pots and candle holders:
I'm also going to make some without the threading holes and stick them straight to the pot, holder or vase and finally get round to trying adding some colour with ceramic paint.
Watch out friends and family - these, in some shape or form, are coming your way x
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